Month: June 2021

Practice Self-Love – The Best Advice From A Counselor

You might not notice it, but one factor that brings stress, anxiety, and depression to an overboard state is a lack of self-love. It disconnects you from giving your best to cope and overcome life challenges. It makes you lose confidence and self-awareness. It leads you to desperation, emotional instability, and mental pressure. But what exactly is self-love?


Self-love is not just about taking a bath regularly, changing your hair, or buying yourself beautiful clothes. It is not about the attempt to redefine yourself based on what you perceived is changeable. Instead, self-love is the practice of appreciating yourself despite imperfections. It is the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual support you give yourself no matter what. Though it is not a fixed state of mind, its actions surely develop over time and guide you to maturity.

Establishing self-love is not an easy task and can be a long journey, especially when dealing with many emotional and mental struggles. Thus, you need to think about it as a vital step in personal development in counselling in improving your health and happiness in general. Here are a couple of suggestions that can assist you along the way with your self-love development.

Always Forgive Yourself

One thing that can often lead to severe emotional and mental stress is the habit of always being tough on yourself. There is a struggle deep within that you somehow push your limits to win a battle for perfection. There is too much self-deprecation that takes you away from seeing things from a positive perspective. With that state of mind, you end up overlooking the fact that you are a human that is still incapable of so many things. So instead of getting stuck with so much harshness and self-hate, learn to forgive yourself. Think about the mistakes you make as an opportunity to develop your skills. You can start the process by working on the following:

  • Embracing negative emotions such as anger and frustrations
  • Staying positive by telling yourself that you are still worthy of love and care
  • Understanding the essence of sincere apology not only to others but to yourself as well


Be Mindful Of Your Overall Wellness

Usually, the problem with unstable emotional and mental health comes from the overwhelming things you want to change or achieve in life. There is nothing wrong with that, actually. However, the danger can happen once you set goals that are not entirely what you want or do not involve even the slightest things that make you happy. If what you’re trying to accomplish is only the ones pushed to you by society, you need to have clarity. Thus, be mindful of what you genuinely want to achieve so that you can arm yourself with enough knowledge that you can use to move forward. To practice mindfulness, here are some of the things you can do to take some time to self-reflect.

  • Meditating
  • Keeping a journal
  • Listening to soothing music
  • Going for a walk outside
  • Spending time with nature

Identify The Things That Make You Feel Better

Perhaps you already know what makes you happy. You understand the possible consequences and sacrifices you need to obtain whatever it is that you desire. But sometimes, even if you try harder, it would still feel that your efforts are not worthy enough. Apparently, you shouldn’t worry too much about that because that is normal. You have to be open about the fact that there are things that you cannot have. Therefore, you need to focus on those that can make you feel better and set aside the ones that can make you feel worse. This particular habit of knowing what you need is a form of self-awareness and self-love that contributes a lot to your emotional and mental well-being. For instance, you might build emotional resilience through music therapy or other practices.


Setup A Healthy Boundary

There are quite a few things that can make you feel uncomfortable and some of those are behaviors that you are not willing to put up with. That is the primary reason why you need to set up boundaries. However, setting up that barrier is not intended to shut down and push people out of your life. Instead, remind yourself that it is a healthy strategy that helps you distinguish what acceptable and restricted behaviors are. Setting up a boundary allows you to protect yourself and filter out some toxic individuals that drain your energy. Here’s a way you can set out a healthy boundary.

  • Figure out what you socially need and start building your restrictions from there — journaling in supporting mental health recovery is one great way to help you remember what you need.
  • Identify your safety requirements so that you can avoid emotional, mental, and physical harm from people you don’t consider getting close with
  • Focus more on understanding and accepting social uncertainties to get rid of fake and manipulating friends or anyone who takes advantage of your well-being.
  • Build your self-esteem by surrounding yourself with good, influenced people.
  • Surround yourself with supportive, loving, and caring people that boost your self-confidence and self-esteem.


Patient’s Personal Development In Counselling

Are you often emotionally unstable? Well, if you are under these pressures and more, perhaps you could not have that right mindset. Then you might need development in counselling and personal cognitive-behavioral counselling training, like the Johari Window Theory in Psychology, for development. But what’s personal development in your counseling psychology?

Personal development in counselling. Personal development during the counselling is recommended.


Unfortunately, everything in your life course takes place based on the decisions you create. You experience the consequences of your actions, words, and behaviors, even if you work ethically. That is okay. It is a cycle of life that you have to personally live through. Please remember that not all things deserve your time, effort, and energy. Therefore, to personally develop in life, you must live with a sense of peace and joy. You should learn how to stop giving a damn about everything and put into writing your feelings.

Personal Development In Counselling

According to a counselling expert, not giving a damn about things around you does not generally mean you could avoid and completely ignore the world just because you want a safe space. You couldn’t use that mentality to pick on destructive behaviors carelessly. You couldn’t allow that related attitude to control your mental and emotional capabilities. Instead, you could be mindful of what you could and couldn’t pay attention to and focus on personal development.

Personal development counseling focuses on increasing your self-awareness, perceived life goals, personal challenges, and long-standing ideas and aspirations through the acquisition of counselling skills and understanding human development through centred counselling and case study. Personal development in counselling is the constant showing of reviewing your life destinations and characteristics and building your capacities and qualities to reach your potential.

A counseling expert often encouraged their clients that the benefits that they get in personal person-centred development training could add to their maturity, personal accomplishments, and personal satisfaction. Numerous people support the personal development capacities of their friends for the rest of their lives and such experiences to better themselves and reach their goals. You could do this through supervision, counselling from a mentor to a client, and personal growth, and that is only the start. Personal development of persons has different manifestations.

It takes an alternate significance relying upon every person’s living conditions. To achieve personal development and personal development counseling includes overcoming the background and obstacles of psychological issues, emotions, and thoughts. It causes us to abandon past mentalities that were keeping us caught in a place as opposed to excelling in our lives. According to personal development groups experts, it causes us to feel invigorated and lively, and ready to try new things. The sessions increase self-awareness and fearlessness. Here are some of the things that could help you implement personal development counselling:


Personal Development By Not Needing Approvals

According to person-centered therapy specialists, one perceptive reason why you could be having a hard time developing self-awareness and overall wellness is that you consider approval all the time. You believe that other persons’ appreciation matters, so you explore more on providing them with the essential aspect of liking or considering you. You discover these as therapeutic relationships despite their challenging process.

Honestly, there is nothing wrong with that. If that’s what makes you feel good about yourself, then you deserve all the approvals you need. However, the dangerous part of always needing approval is the possible buildup of self-importance and dependence through the good and comforting words that don’t mean a thing. So how could you know you’re giving too much damn about approval? Here’s some of the list.

  • You make life-changing, personal decisions by consulting or asking people’s opinions first.
  • You always feel the need to respond to other people’s good and bad comments about you despite their ineffective contribution to your daily life.
  • You chase people’s approval and push yourself to the extreme even if it does not make you happy.

Actually, there’s a lot of stuff that you could add to that list of negative mentality. However, you could be surprised at how much impact could a single approval dive on your overall well-being. to personally develop, you should consider this,

the more you seek other people’s approval, the more you live a life that doesn’t belong to you.


A woman drinking coffee, wearing polo stripes while writing on her notebook


Personal Development Buy Staying In The Present

As for personal therapy, you have to address that and give yourself a break. Live in the present moment and personally develop the right habits that could contribute to your overall self-improvement. Here are some of the things you can do.

  • Set achievable goals that you care about, whether for yourself or career. Makes sure that it is something that you can commit to regularly. Practice time-management

Focus on self-care. Pay close attention to your sleeping hours, eating habits, and physical activities.

  • Stop worrying about things that are not there. Acceptance is key to releasing unwanted anxiety. Instead, learn to value the moment and start working on things that need immediate resolutions.

  • Face your fears and believe that you can do it. Then, stumble and learn through your experience in a counselling session.
  • Develop emotional and mental stability and start from within. Value yourself and strive to become the best version of yourself. Increase your empathy and self-confidence.

The Benefits Of Therapy To Your Overall Development

Taking a quick few process groups of evaluation of your personal development of what needs to be done is an essential part of emotional and mental stability, especially in the context of online counselling. If you could stay in the present, you could understand the significance of being imperfect. You could realize that the complication of life has nothing to do with your skill or ability to move forward, let it all go, and never give a damn about unimportant things.

personal growth


Personal Development By Observing Others

Instead of asking for approval from the persons who matter to you, watch and learn from their perspective. Identify the core values, ideas, or qualities that you admire most about people and develop those in yourself. Use their behavior as your reference.

Note that counselling for mental health students, adults, and children who feel anxious are a must to prevent any future mental health challenge.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is it important for counselors to know and understand their personal values?

Counselors need to be aware of their own personal values because these values can influence their counseling approach. This self-awareness is crucial for maintaining counselling skills and ensuring that their values do not interfere with their clients’ well-being.

What is personal development counseling?

Personal development counseling is a form of counseling that focuses on helping individuals enhance their self-awareness, set and achieve life goals, and address personal challenges. It often involves techniques from human development psychology and aims to promote personal growth.

Why is personal growth an important aspect of counseling studies?

Personal growth is vital in counseling studies because it enables future counselors to develop the necessary empathy, self-awareness, and counselling skills required to effectively help their clients. It also enhances their ability to relate to and understand the diverse needs of clients.

How do you develop personal skills and qualities in counseling?

Personal skills and qualities in counseling can be developed through a combination of education, self-reflection, and practice. This includes acquiring counselling skills, participating in personal development sessions, and gaining experience in supervised counselling sessions.

Why is it essential for Counsellors to be aware of their own personal development?

Counselors should be aware of their own personal development to avoid projecting their issues onto their clients. Understanding their personal growth journey helps them maintain professionalism and provide effective online counselling.

What do you expect in personal growth?

In personal growth, individuals can expect to gain greater self-awareness, improved counselling skills, increased emotional intelligence, enhanced interpersonal relationships, and a sense of fulfillment and purpose in life.

What is the primary goal of personal development?

The primary goal of personal development is to enable individuals to become the best version of themselves by enhancing their self-awareness, acquiring new knowledge and counselling skills, and achieving personal and professional goals.

Why is personal growth so important?

Personal growth is essential because it empowers individuals to overcome challenges, adapt to changes, and lead more fulfilling lives. It also plays a significant role in human development and well-being.

What is personal development example?

A personal development example could be setting and achieving specific goals, such as improving one’s communication counselling skills, enhancing emotional intelligence, or pursuing further education to advance in a career.

What are the 5 areas of personal growth?

The five areas of personal growth often include self-awareness, emotional intelligence, counselling skills development, goal setting and achievement, and fostering healthy relationships. These areas contribute to holistic personal development.