Category: Creative Arts

Using Journaling In Supporting Mental Health Recovery

Imagine holding a key, one that unlocks the door to self-discovery, emotional resilience, and mental clarity. The solution is not magic; it’s something far more accessible and powerful: journaling.

In our fast-paced, digitally-driven world, the art of journaling stands out as a beacon of introspection and healing. It’s more than just pen on paper; it’s a journey into the deepest parts of ourselves, offering a unique pathway to mental and physical health benefits, recovery and well-being.

Journaling isn’t just an act; it’s an experience, a personal journey that helps navigate the tumultuous seas of our minds. Let’s start this enlightening journey together, discovering how the simple act of writing can lead to profound changes in our mental and physical health, and overall quality of life.


The Connection Between Journaling And Mental Health

The relationship between journaling and mental health is profound and well-documented. It’s a form of self-expression that goes beyond mere words; it’s:

An emotional release

A way to untangle complex thoughts

A strategy to manage stress and anxiety

Several studies have underscored the therapeutic effects of journaling in supporting mental health recovery. For instance, expressive writing, which involves pouring out one’s thoughts and feelings, through journal entries, it has been shown to significantly reduce mental distress, and improve mood. This practice allows individuals to process their emotions, leading to enhanced self-awareness and emotional well-being.

Journaling (even depression journaling) acts as a reflective tool, enabling individuals to observe their thoughts and feelings from a distance, thus gaining a clearer perspective on their mental state. It is particularly beneficial in identifying negative thought patterns and transforming them into constructive ones.

By regularly engaging in this introspective practice, individuals can develop a deeper understanding of themselves, fostering a sense of peace and emotional resilience.

Types Of Journaling For Mental Health

Journaling is a form of mental health services, and when diving into this realm, one discovers a rich tapestry of styles, each uniquely tailored to different emotional needs and personal growth goals.

1. Gratitude Journaling

A gratitude journal revolves around the practice of acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of life. This form of journaling is a beacon of positivity, known for its ability to:

Uplift spirits

Reduce stress

Enhance overall well-being

2. Emotional Release Journaling

On a different note, emotional release journaling provides a safe harbor for the emotional expression of deeper, often suppressed feelings. This method allows people to let out their built-up feelings, which helps them feel free and clear-headed emotionally.

3. Mindfulness Journaling

Mindfulness journaling is a great way to focus on what’s happening right now without being hard on yourself. It’s all about noticing things as they are.

This kind of writing helps you stay calm and feel better by keeping your negative thoughts in the present moment.

4. Goal-Setting Journaling

Goal-setting journaling, meanwhile, is akin to plotting a course on a personal map, where one articulates their aspirations and the steps needed to reach them. This style is particularly effective for providing clarity, direction, and the motivation necessary for personal growth and achievement.


5. Therapeutic Journaling

Therapeutic journaling takes on a more introspective role, often used as a tool for healing from post traumatic stress disorder, major depressive disorder and other experiences. By confronting and processing emotional pain through writing, individuals can embark on a journey of healing and recovery. By incorporating journaling prompts, it allows an individual to express more of what they initially did.

6. Creative Journaling

Creative journaling breaks the mold of traditional writing, inviting artistic expressions like drawings or poems to accompany written words. This fusion of art and writing can:

  • Enhance creativity
  • Offer a multifaceted outlet for self-expression
  • Cater to those who find solace in artistic endeavors

7. Dream Journaling

Dream journaling, an intriguing and introspective style, involves recording and interpreting the enigmatic world of dreams. This practice can unveil insights into the subconscious mind, providing a unique perspective on internal thoughts and feelings.

8. Problem-Solving Journaling

Lastly, problem-solving journaling focuses on detailing personal challenges and brainstorming potential solutions. This pragmatic approach to journaling enhances decision-making skills and offers practical strategies to navigate life’s hurdles.

Each of these journaling styles contributes to the rich landscape of mental health practices, offering diverse pathways for individuals to explore their inner world, process emotions, and foster personal growth. The versatility of mental health journaling also means that it can be adapted and personalized, making it a uniquely powerful tool in the journey toward mental wellness.

Benefits Of Journaling In Mental Health Recovery

Journaling is not just a method of recording thoughts; it’s a powerful tool that can have profound impacts on mental health recovery. The mental health benefits of journaling are diverse and deeply impactful.

Emotional Catharsis

One of the most immediate and significant benefits of journaling is the emotional release it provides. Writing about your feelings and experiences allows you to express and process emotions that may be difficult to articulate verbally. This catharsis can lead to a significant reduction in emotional burden and stress.

Stress Reduction

Journaling has a calming effect on the mind. It helps in organizing thoughts, which can be particularly beneficial during times of stress or individuals with elevated anxiety symptoms.

The act of putting thoughts on paper can transform abstract anxieties about stressful events into manageable concepts, thereby relieving stress and reducing the intensity of stress.

Enhancing Self-Reflection

Regular journaling fosters a habit of self-reflection and introspection. It encourages you to pause and consider your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This enhanced self-awareness can lead to better decision-making and a deeper understanding of your emotional triggers and patterns.


Journaling can be an effective tool for problem-solving. Writing down problems and potential solutions can provide clarity and perspective. It encourages a structured approach to challenges, making them seem more surmountable.

Aiding In Recovery

For those in therapy or undergoing other forms of mental health treatment, journaling can complement and enhance the recovery process. It provides a space to:

  • Reflect on therapy sessions
  • Track progress
  • Explore thoughts and feelings between sessions

The journey of journaling for mental health recovery is a personal and transformative one. By providing a platform for expression, reflection, and problem-solving, journaling stands as a valuable ally in the pursuit of mental wellness.


Journaling As A Complementary Practice

Journaling is increasingly recognized as a complementary practice in the realm of mental illness and health care, enhancing the effectiveness of traditional treatments like therapy and medication. When used alongside professional guidance, journaling offers a unique avenue for personal exploration and deeper understanding.

It allows individuals to continue their therapeutic journey outside of the therapist’s office, providing a space for reflection and processing that can deepen insights gained during therapy sessions.

For those on medication for psychiatric treatment, journaling helps in tracking mood changes, side effects, or improvements, offering valuable feedback for both psychological health of the general medical patients and their healthcare provider. This synergy between journaling and other treatment modalities creates a holistic approach to mental health care, empowering individuals to take an active role in their healing process.

By bridging the gap between sessions and daily life, journaling becomes more than just a practice; it transforms into a vital tool for sustained mental wellness and recovery.

How To Start Journaling For Mental Health Recovery

Embarking on the journey of journaling for mental health recovery can be both exhilarating and daunting. It’s a personal venture that opens doors to self-exploration and emotional healing. To start, it’s crucial to create a conducive environment and mindset for this practice.

1. Choosing Your Journal

The first step is selecting a journal that resonates with you. Whether it’s a traditional notebook with lined pages, a blank sketchbook, or a digital app, the key is to choose a medium that feels comfortable and inviting. Consider the:

  • Tactile feel of the journal
  • Ease of writing
  • Convenience of carrying it with you

2. Setting a Routine

Consistency is vital in your journaling practice. Set aside a specific time each day or week for this practice. It doesn’t have to be lengthy; even a few minutes can be significant. The goal is to build a habit that feels natural and sustainable. Choose a time when you’re least likely to be disturbed, such as early morning or before bedtime.

3. Creating A Safe Space

Privacy is essential in journaling. It’s important to find a space where you feel secure and uninterrupted. This could be:

  • A quiet corner in your home
  • A peaceful outdoor spot
  • A digital space that is password-protected

The assurance of privacy encourages openness and honesty in your writing.

4. Getting Started

Begin your journaling journey with a simple approach. You don’t need to aim for perfect prose or deep insights from the start. Begin by writing about your day, your feelings, or anything that comes to mind. The act of writing itself is more important than the content initially.

To Wrap Up

As we close the pages of our exploration into the world of journaling and mental health, it’s clear that this humble practice holds immense power. Journaling is more than a mere activity; it’s a gateway to self-awareness, a catalyst for healing, and a companion in our journey toward mental wellness. By providing a safe space to express, reflect, and grow, journaling empowers us to navigate the complexities of our minds with grace and understanding.

Whether you’re a seasoned journaler or a curious newcomer, remember that each word you write is a step towards a healthier, more resilient you. But journaling isn’t the only way: you might find that you’re able to build emotional resilience through music therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does journaling help mental health disorder?
Why is journaling important in recovery?
Why is journaling good for therapy?
Why is support so important in mental health?
How does writing impact mental health?
Does journaling help positive thinking?
What is the purpose of journaling?
How is journaling therapeutic?
Does journaling help with stress?
How can journaling help with anxiety?
Is journaling more effective than therapy?
How do I start journaling for self improvement?
Which type of journaling is beneficial for my mental health issues and wellbeing?
Is journaling a form of healing?
Can journaling be healing?
What is a positive affect in journaling?
Why journaling is important in learning?
How to improve mental health disorders?
Is journaling an intervention in therapy?

Harmonizing The Heart With Emotional Resilience through Music Therapy

Imagine a world where the melodies and rhythms that move you could also have healing power to heal you. This is not a fantasy; it’s the real power of music therapy, an extraordinary field that intertwines the beauty of music with the resilience of the human spirit. Emotional resilience – our ability to recover from life’s setbacks – is something we all strive to develop. Yet, the journey to attain it can be complex and deeply personal.

According to the American Music Therapy Association, music therapy offers a unique and compelling pathway to bolster our emotional resilience, providing tools not just to survive life’s storms but to dance in the rain. This article takes you through the transformative journey of emotional resilience through music therapy, uncovering the therapeutic magic of music that resonates with the deepest parts of our being.


The Connection Between Music And Emotions

Music, a universal language, transcends the barriers of words and directly communicates with our emotions. Have you ever noticed how a particular melody can transport you back in time, evoke long-forgotten memories, or alter your mood almost instantly? This powerful connection between music and emotions stems from how music interacts with our brain.

Neurologically, music triggers the release of various neurotransmitters, including dopamine, a key player in our emotional and pleasure responses. This explains why certain tunes can:

  • Uplift our spirits or soothe our nerves
  • Enhance emotional recognition
  • Help us better understand and empathize with others’ feelings

It also plays a crucial role in mood regulation, offering an outlet for expressing and processing complex positive emotions.

Additionally, music’s rhythm and tempo can synchronize with our brain waves, influencing our state of mind. Fast-paced music might energize us, while slower tempos can have a calming effect, making us more reflective. This intricate dance between music and our emotional state lays the foundation for its therapeutic use in enhancing emotional resilience.

Music Therapy Techniques For Enhancing Emotional Resilience

Music therapy is an art and science that uses these emotional connections of music to facilitate healing and personal growth. In enhancing emotional resilience, several techniques are employed, each tailored to the individual’s needs and preferences.

1. Guided Imagery And Music (GIM)

This technique involves listening to selected pieces of music in a relaxed state and visualizing images, scenarios, or experiences that the music evokes. This can lead to insights and emotional release, providing a pathway to process and understand deep-seated emotions and traumas.

2. Improvisation

Here, individuals are encouraged to spontaneously create music using various instruments or their voices. This form of self-expression can be particularly empowering, as it:

  • Allows individuals to communicate emotions they might find hard to express verbally.
  • Enhances self-awareness and emotional agility

3. Songwriting And Lyric Analysis

Writing songs or analyzing meaningful lyrics can be a profound way of processing emotions and experiences. It offers a structured yet creative outlet for self-expression and reflection, facilitating a deeper understanding of personal emotional landscapes, and can be similar to journaling in supporting mental health recovery.

4. Music And Relaxation

Techniques involving music listening and relaxation exercises can help reduce stress and anxiety. By focusing on calming music, individuals can shift their emotional state towards a more relaxed and receptive mode, which is crucial for building resilience.


5. Active Music Engagement

This involves participating in music-making, whether singing, playing instruments, or moving to music. This active involvement can:

  • Boost self-esteem
  • Provide a sense of accomplishment
  • Foster a sense of community and belonging

These are all key components in building resilience.

6. Music-Based Psychotherapy

This approach combines traditional psychotherapeutic techniques with music activities. Music therapy is really good at helping people understand their own stories and deal with tough emotions, making them feel stronger and more sure of who they are.

This kind of therapy uses different ways to help people not just get through life transition and hard times, but do well and grow from them.

When people have therapy with the use of music as therapy, they build up a strong mental and emotional health foundation. This helps them handle life’s ups and downs with more ease and confidence.

The Role Of Music Therapy In Mental Health

Music therapy has emerged as a vital tool in the field of mental health, addressing a wide range of psychological issues with remarkable efficacy. Its role extends beyond mere symptom management; it facilitates deeper emotional healing and personal growth.

Treating Anxiety And Depression

For individuals grappling with chronic pain, anxiety and depression, music therapy can offer a soothing and expressive outlet. The process of creating or playing music or listening to music can:

  • Divert attention from distressing thoughts
  • Reduce symptoms of anxiety
  • Uplift mood

Music therapy sessions often incorporate relaxation techniques, guided imagery, and active music-making, all of which can significantly alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Music Therapy For Trauma and PTSD

Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, also known as PTSD can leave individuals feeling disconnected from their emotions and surroundings. Music therapy provides a non-verbal medium and acts as a safe and supportive environment through which they can express themselves to process traumatic experiences and foster positive mental health outcomes.

Techniques like songwriting, improvisation, and GIM can help individuals articulate their feelings and experiences, fostering a sense of self control and aiding recovery.

Supporting People With Neurological Disorders

Music therapy is also beneficial for individuals with neurological disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease. It can help improve cognitive function by:

  • Memory recall
  • Cognitive functions
  • Motor skills

Additionally, it provides emotional support, reducing feelings of isolation and frustration that often accompany these conditions.

Enhancing Social Skills In Autism Spectrum Disorder

For individuals on the autism spectrum, music therapy can be a powerful tool for improving communication and social skills. The structured yet flexible nature of music activities helps in developing interaction abilities, emotional expression, musical skills, and behavioral skills.

Group Music Therapy

Conducted in group settings, this form of therapy fosters a sense of community and belonging, which is crucial for mental health. Group sessions provide opportunities for social interaction, peer support, and collaborative music-making, all of which are beneficial in treating various mental health issues.

Challenges And Misconceptions About Music Therapy

Despite its proven benefits, music therapy faces several challenges and misconceptions. A common myth is that music therapy is just listening to music or leisure activity, overlooking its status as an evidence-based, clinical practice with structured interventions. People often underestimate the skill and training required for music therapists, who are trained professionals adept in both music and therapeutic contexts.


Another challenge is accessibility; music therapy is not always readily available or covered by insurance, making it less accessible to those who could benefit from it. There’s also a misconception that music therapy is only for certain groups, like children or those with mental health issues, disregarding its wide applicability across various populations and settings.

Overcoming these challenges requires increased public education about the true nature and scope of music therapy, along with advocacy for broader accessibility and recognition within the healthcare system for a music therapist.

Addressing these misconceptions is crucial for music therapy to be more widely understood, appreciated, and utilized as a valuable tool in holistic health, psychological well-being, and emotional well-being.

Integrating Music Therapy Into Everyday Life

Incorporating music therapy into daily life can significantly enhance emotional and mental well being and resilience. It’s not limited to clinical settings; rather, it can be a part of anyone’s routine, providing ongoing support and enrichment.

1. Personalized Music Playlists

Creating playlists for different moods and purposes can be a simple yet effective way to engage in music therapy. These can include songs for relaxation, motivation, or emotional release.

2. Mindful Music Listening

Setting aside time for mindful music listening can be a form of self-care. This involves actively listening to music, focusing on the lyrics, melody, and how the music makes you feel, allowing for a deeper emotional connection and understanding.

3. Musical Journaling

Keeping a journal where you note down your thoughts and feelings about particular songs or music sessions can help track your emotional journey and the impact of music on your physical well-being.

4. Engaging In Community Music Activities

Participating in music education such as community choirs, bands, or music classes can provide the dual benefits of music therapy and social interaction. These activities offer a sense of belonging and an outlet for creative expression.

5. Using Music As A Coping Strategy

Integrating music into your coping toolbox – for instance, listening to calming music during stressful times or singing along to uplifting songs – can be a practical way to manage emotions and stress.

6. Digital Music Therapy Resources

Various apps and online platforms offer music therapy resources, including guided sessions, therapeutic music tracks, and educational content. These can be easily accessed and incorporated into daily routines.

By blending these practices into everyday life, individuals with mental health disorders can continually harness the therapeutic power of music, fostering emotional resilience and enhancing their overall mental health. Music therapy, thus, becomes not just a treatment modality but a lifestyle, a rhythmic companion through the ebbs and flows of life.

To Wrap Up

Music therapy is a therapeutic approach that is much more than a simple melody or rhythm. It’s a symphony of the soul, a harmonious blend of science and art that touches lives and fosters emotional strength. Music therapy isn’t just a method; it’s a journey, one that speaks to our innate need for expression, connection, and healing.

Whether through the soft strumming of a guitar, the bold strokes of a piano, or the soothing rhythms of a drum, music therapy offers a universal language of healing. It empowers individuals to not only face their emotional challenges but also to transform them into sources of strength. In this symphony of resilience, each note carries hope, each melody sings of recovery, and each session marks a step towards a more resilient, emotionally robust life.

Music therapy, thus, is not just a treatment; it’s a testament to the enduring, transformative power of music and its ability to heal, inspire, and transform the human heart.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Does Music Help With Resilience?

How Does Music Therapy Help With Emotions?

How Can We Develop Emotional Resilience?

What Is The Concept Of Emotional Resilience?

How Can Music Improve Confidence And Resilience?

How Can Music Help In Our Development & Make Us Feel Better?

What Is The Role Of Music Therapy In The Emotional Regulation And Psychological Stress Relief Of Employees In The Workplace?

What Are The Benefits Of Music Therapy?

How Effective Is Music Therapy?

How Does Music Affect Emotions And Behavior?

What Is The Main Focus Of Music Therapy?

Who Benefits The Most From Music Therapy?

How Does Music Therapy Affect The Mind?

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Music Therapy?

What Is The Power Of Music Therapy?

What Are Some Interesting Facts About Music Therapy?

Artistic Expression for Mental Health: Unlocking the Benefits of Therapy

Artistic expression has been linked to mental health and well-being for centuries, and it’s no surprise that many mental health professionals incorporate creative therapies in their practice. From painting and drawing to dancing and writing, there are countless ways to express ourselves artistically and unlock the benefits of therapy. In this article, we’ll explore the ways in which artistic expression can improve mental health, boost mood, and promote overall well-being.

The Benefits of Artistic Expression for Mental Health

Artistic expression has been linked to a range of mental health benefits. Studies have shown that engaging in creative activities can help to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. It can also promote self-awareness, build self-esteem, and increase feelings of well-being. The act of creating something can be a powerful tool for managing emotions, as it provides a safe and healthy outlet for expressing difficult feelings.

Here are some of the benefits of artistic expression and why they are beneficial:

  1. Provides a healthy outlet for expressing emotions: Artistic expression can provide a safe and healthy way to express difficult emotions that may be challenging to express through words.
  2. Helps to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress: Artistic expression has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress by promoting relaxation and providing a sense of accomplishment.
  3. Promotes self-awareness and self-discovery: Engaging in artistic expression can help individuals explore their emotions, thoughts, and experiences, leading to greater self-awareness and self-discovery.
  4. Improved mood: Engaging in creative activities has been shown to boost mood and promote feelings of happiness and well-being. Creating art can give individuals a sense of accomplishment and can be a source of joy and fulfillment.
  5. Increased resilience: Artistic expression can help individuals to develop resilience and cope with difficult situations. It can be a source of strength and a way to work through challenging emotions.
  6. Improved cognitive function: Engaging in creative activities has been shown to improve cognitive function and memory. Creating art can be a mentally stimulating activity that requires focus and attention.
  7. Increased social connections: Artistic expression can be a social activity that brings people together. It can provide opportunities to connect with others and build meaningful relationships.

Using Art as a Therapeutic Medium

Art therapy is a form of therapy that uses the creative process of making art to improve mental, emotional, and physical health. It can be used to help people of all ages and backgrounds, from children to the elderly, and is often incorporated into mental health treatment plans. Art therapists work with clients to use various materials, techniques, and forms of art to explore their emotions and experiences, and to promote self-expression and healing.

The Different Forms of Artistic Expression

There are many different forms of artistic expression that can be used as a therapeutic tool. Some common forms of art therapy include:

  1. Visual arts: This includes painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, photography, and digital art.
  2. Performing arts: This includes dance, music, theater, opera, and comedy.
  3. Literary arts: This includes writing, poetry, and spoken word.
  4. Crafts: This includes activities such as woodworking, pottery, jewelry-making, and textiles.
  5. Culinary arts: This includes cooking and baking, as well as food presentation.
  6. Architecture: This includes the design and construction of buildings and structures.
  7. Film and video: This includes the creation of movies, documentaries, and video art.
  8. Design: This includes graphic design, fashion design, and interior design.
  9. Mixed media: This involves combining multiple forms of art into a single piece, such as a collage or multimedia installation.

Tips for Incorporating Artistic Expression into Your Life

Even if you’re not working with an art therapist, you can still use artistic expression as a tool for mental health and well-being. Here are some tips for incorporating art into your life:

  • Make time for creativity: Set aside time each week to engage in creative activities that you enjoy.
  • Experiment with different forms of art: Try different forms of art to find what works best for you. You may find that you enjoy painting one week and writing the next.
  • Don’t worry about the outcome: The goal of artistic expression is not to create a masterpiece, but to express yourself and promote well-being. Don’t worry about whether your art is “good” or not.
  • Focus on the process: The act of creating something can be just as important as the finished product. Enjoy the process of creating, and don’t worry about the end result.
  • Use art as a way to manage stress: Artistic expression can be a powerful tool for managing stress and promoting relaxation. Use it as a way to unwind after a long day or week.


Artistic expression can be a powerful tool for promoting mental health and well-being. Whether you’re working with an art therapist or engaging in creative activities on your own, there are countless benefits to using art as a therapeutic medium. By exploring the different forms of art and making time for creativity in your life, you can unlock the benefits of therapy and promote overall well-being.

Practice Self-Love – The Best Advice From A Counselor

You might not notice it, but one factor that brings stress, anxiety, and depression to an overboard state is a lack of self-love. It disconnects you from giving your best to cope and overcome life challenges. It makes you lose confidence and self-awareness. It leads you to desperation, emotional instability, and mental pressure. But what exactly is self-love?


Self-love is not just about taking a bath regularly, changing your hair, or buying yourself beautiful clothes. It is not about the attempt to redefine yourself based on what you perceived is changeable. Instead, self-love is the practice of appreciating yourself despite imperfections. It is the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual support you give yourself no matter what. Though it is not a fixed state of mind, its actions surely develop over time and guide you to maturity.

Establishing self-love is not an easy task and can be a long journey, especially when dealing with many emotional and mental struggles. Thus, you need to think about it as a vital step in personal development in counselling in improving your health and happiness in general. Here are a couple of suggestions that can assist you along the way with your self-love development.

Always Forgive Yourself

One thing that can often lead to severe emotional and mental stress is the habit of always being tough on yourself. There is a struggle deep within that you somehow push your limits to win a battle for perfection. There is too much self-deprecation that takes you away from seeing things from a positive perspective. With that state of mind, you end up overlooking the fact that you are a human that is still incapable of so many things. So instead of getting stuck with so much harshness and self-hate, learn to forgive yourself. Think about the mistakes you make as an opportunity to develop your skills. You can start the process by working on the following:

  • Embracing negative emotions such as anger and frustrations
  • Staying positive by telling yourself that you are still worthy of love and care
  • Understanding the essence of sincere apology not only to others but to yourself as well


Be Mindful Of Your Overall Wellness

Usually, the problem with unstable emotional and mental health comes from the overwhelming things you want to change or achieve in life. There is nothing wrong with that, actually. However, the danger can happen once you set goals that are not entirely what you want or do not involve even the slightest things that make you happy. If what you’re trying to accomplish is only the ones pushed to you by society, you need to have clarity. Thus, be mindful of what you genuinely want to achieve so that you can arm yourself with enough knowledge that you can use to move forward. To practice mindfulness, here are some of the things you can do to take some time to self-reflect.

  • Meditating
  • Keeping a journal
  • Listening to soothing music
  • Going for a walk outside
  • Spending time with nature

Identify The Things That Make You Feel Better

Perhaps you already know what makes you happy. You understand the possible consequences and sacrifices you need to obtain whatever it is that you desire. But sometimes, even if you try harder, it would still feel that your efforts are not worthy enough. Apparently, you shouldn’t worry too much about that because that is normal. You have to be open about the fact that there are things that you cannot have. Therefore, you need to focus on those that can make you feel better and set aside the ones that can make you feel worse. This particular habit of knowing what you need is a form of self-awareness and self-love that contributes a lot to your emotional and mental well-being. For instance, you might build emotional resilience through music therapy or other practices.


Setup A Healthy Boundary

There are quite a few things that can make you feel uncomfortable and some of those are behaviors that you are not willing to put up with. That is the primary reason why you need to set up boundaries. However, setting up that barrier is not intended to shut down and push people out of your life. Instead, remind yourself that it is a healthy strategy that helps you distinguish what acceptable and restricted behaviors are. Setting up a boundary allows you to protect yourself and filter out some toxic individuals that drain your energy. Here’s a way you can set out a healthy boundary.

  • Figure out what you socially need and start building your restrictions from there — journaling in supporting mental health recovery is one great way to help you remember what you need.
  • Identify your safety requirements so that you can avoid emotional, mental, and physical harm from people you don’t consider getting close with
  • Focus more on understanding and accepting social uncertainties to get rid of fake and manipulating friends or anyone who takes advantage of your well-being.
  • Build your self-esteem by surrounding yourself with good, influenced people.
  • Surround yourself with supportive, loving, and caring people that boost your self-confidence and self-esteem.


Patient’s Personal Development In Counselling

Are you often emotionally unstable? Well, if you are under these pressures and more, perhaps you could not have that right mindset. Then you might need development in counselling and personal cognitive-behavioral counselling training, like the Johari Window Theory in Psychology, for development. But what’s personal development in your counseling psychology?

Personal development in counselling. Personal development during the counselling is recommended.


Unfortunately, everything in your life course takes place based on the decisions you create. You experience the consequences of your actions, words, and behaviors, even if you work ethically. That is okay. It is a cycle of life that you have to personally live through. Please remember that not all things deserve your time, effort, and energy. Therefore, to personally develop in life, you must live with a sense of peace and joy. You should learn how to stop giving a damn about everything and put into writing your feelings.

Personal Development In Counselling

According to a counselling expert, not giving a damn about things around you does not generally mean you could avoid and completely ignore the world just because you want a safe space. You couldn’t use that mentality to pick on destructive behaviors carelessly. You couldn’t allow that related attitude to control your mental and emotional capabilities. Instead, you could be mindful of what you could and couldn’t pay attention to and focus on personal development.

Personal development counseling focuses on increasing your self-awareness, perceived life goals, personal challenges, and long-standing ideas and aspirations through the acquisition of counselling skills and understanding human development through centred counselling and case study. Personal development in counselling is the constant showing of reviewing your life destinations and characteristics and building your capacities and qualities to reach your potential.

A counseling expert often encouraged their clients that the benefits that they get in personal person-centred development training could add to their maturity, personal accomplishments, and personal satisfaction. Numerous people support the personal development capacities of their friends for the rest of their lives and such experiences to better themselves and reach their goals. You could do this through supervision, counselling from a mentor to a client, and personal growth, and that is only the start. Personal development of persons has different manifestations.

It takes an alternate significance relying upon every person’s living conditions. To achieve personal development and personal development counseling includes overcoming the background and obstacles of psychological issues, emotions, and thoughts. It causes us to abandon past mentalities that were keeping us caught in a place as opposed to excelling in our lives. According to personal development groups experts, it causes us to feel invigorated and lively, and ready to try new things. The sessions increase self-awareness and fearlessness. Here are some of the things that could help you implement personal development counselling:


Personal Development By Not Needing Approvals

According to person-centered therapy specialists, one perceptive reason why you could be having a hard time developing self-awareness and overall wellness is that you consider approval all the time. You believe that other persons’ appreciation matters, so you explore more on providing them with the essential aspect of liking or considering you. You discover these as therapeutic relationships despite their challenging process.

Honestly, there is nothing wrong with that. If that’s what makes you feel good about yourself, then you deserve all the approvals you need. However, the dangerous part of always needing approval is the possible buildup of self-importance and dependence through the good and comforting words that don’t mean a thing. So how could you know you’re giving too much damn about approval? Here’s some of the list.

  • You make life-changing, personal decisions by consulting or asking people’s opinions first.
  • You always feel the need to respond to other people’s good and bad comments about you despite their ineffective contribution to your daily life.
  • You chase people’s approval and push yourself to the extreme even if it does not make you happy.

Actually, there’s a lot of stuff that you could add to that list of negative mentality. However, you could be surprised at how much impact could a single approval dive on your overall well-being. to personally develop, you should consider this,

the more you seek other people’s approval, the more you live a life that doesn’t belong to you.


A woman drinking coffee, wearing polo stripes while writing on her notebook


Personal Development Buy Staying In The Present

As for personal therapy, you have to address that and give yourself a break. Live in the present moment and personally develop the right habits that could contribute to your overall self-improvement. Here are some of the things you can do.

  • Set achievable goals that you care about, whether for yourself or career. Makes sure that it is something that you can commit to regularly. Practice time-management

Focus on self-care. Pay close attention to your sleeping hours, eating habits, and physical activities.

  • Stop worrying about things that are not there. Acceptance is key to releasing unwanted anxiety. Instead, learn to value the moment and start working on things that need immediate resolutions.

  • Face your fears and believe that you can do it. Then, stumble and learn through your experience in a counselling session.
  • Develop emotional and mental stability and start from within. Value yourself and strive to become the best version of yourself. Increase your empathy and self-confidence.

The Benefits Of Therapy To Your Overall Development

Taking a quick few process groups of evaluation of your personal development of what needs to be done is an essential part of emotional and mental stability, especially in the context of online counselling. If you could stay in the present, you could understand the significance of being imperfect. You could realize that the complication of life has nothing to do with your skill or ability to move forward, let it all go, and never give a damn about unimportant things.

personal growth


Personal Development By Observing Others

Instead of asking for approval from the persons who matter to you, watch and learn from their perspective. Identify the core values, ideas, or qualities that you admire most about people and develop those in yourself. Use their behavior as your reference.

Note that counselling for mental health students, adults, and children who feel anxious are a must to prevent any future mental health challenge.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is it important for counselors to know and understand their personal values?

Counselors need to be aware of their own personal values because these values can influence their counseling approach. This self-awareness is crucial for maintaining counselling skills and ensuring that their values do not interfere with their clients’ well-being.

What is personal development counseling?

Personal development counseling is a form of counseling that focuses on helping individuals enhance their self-awareness, set and achieve life goals, and address personal challenges. It often involves techniques from human development psychology and aims to promote personal growth.

Why is personal growth an important aspect of counseling studies?

Personal growth is vital in counseling studies because it enables future counselors to develop the necessary empathy, self-awareness, and counselling skills required to effectively help their clients. It also enhances their ability to relate to and understand the diverse needs of clients.

How do you develop personal skills and qualities in counseling?

Personal skills and qualities in counseling can be developed through a combination of education, self-reflection, and practice. This includes acquiring counselling skills, participating in personal development sessions, and gaining experience in supervised counselling sessions.

Why is it essential for Counsellors to be aware of their own personal development?

Counselors should be aware of their own personal development to avoid projecting their issues onto their clients. Understanding their personal growth journey helps them maintain professionalism and provide effective online counselling.

What do you expect in personal growth?

In personal growth, individuals can expect to gain greater self-awareness, improved counselling skills, increased emotional intelligence, enhanced interpersonal relationships, and a sense of fulfillment and purpose in life.

What is the primary goal of personal development?

The primary goal of personal development is to enable individuals to become the best version of themselves by enhancing their self-awareness, acquiring new knowledge and counselling skills, and achieving personal and professional goals.

Why is personal growth so important?

Personal growth is essential because it empowers individuals to overcome challenges, adapt to changes, and lead more fulfilling lives. It also plays a significant role in human development and well-being.

What is personal development example?

A personal development example could be setting and achieving specific goals, such as improving one’s communication counselling skills, enhancing emotional intelligence, or pursuing further education to advance in a career.

What are the 5 areas of personal growth?

The five areas of personal growth often include self-awareness, emotional intelligence, counselling skills development, goal setting and achievement, and fostering healthy relationships. These areas contribute to holistic personal development.

Frequently Asked Questions About Self-Efficacy

It is not common to say that you are someone with high self-efficacy. It often comes with words like self-esteem and self-worth. However, self-efficacy is just as important, particularly in specific situations like job interviews or membership activities.


Self-efficacy refers to the belief we have in our ability to complete tasks, overcome challenges, or find solutions to problems. It is a major factor that can determine our potential for success in life. Self-efficacy is a more practical concept in contrast with self-worth and self-esteem. It looks into an individual’s actions and behaviors instead of how they view or value themselves.

Albert Bandura, a well-known psychologist, coined the term self-efficacy. He proposed the social cognitive theory and the Bobo doll experiment. Bandura states that a person’s motivation and well-being come from a sense of self-efficacy. You can develop and strengthen your sense of self-efficacy through the following sources of influence:

  • Mastery Experiences

This is also known as performance outcomes. The state of a person’s self-efficacy is strongly reliant on this factor. The more successes you attain in life, the stronger your self-efficacy will be. Experiencing failures only weakens an already weak sense of self-efficacy. Successes must result from difficult obstacles or challenges to permanently benefit your self-efficacy.

  • Vicarious Experiences

Seeing people similar to you succeed in what they do or what they try can also boost your self-efficacy. Through observation and vicarious learning, you can learn to understand and be confident about your ability to create or solve something. Seeing other people perform well and comparing their success to your potential is a significant factor in self-efficacy.

  • Social Persuasion

This is also known as verbal persuasion. Receiving comments or feedback that speak of your ability to accomplish specific tasks boosts self-efficacy. Discouragement or negative statements, however, will result in the opposite effect. 

  • Emotional States

This fourth factor refers to how you interpret, perceive, or understand certain things that affect you on an emotional or physiological level. It is your reaction that is important rather than the volume or intensity of a particular stimulus. Positive responses increase a person’s sense of self-efficacy. Adverse or harmful reactions may reduce it.

This article goes through the most frequently asked questions about self-efficacy related to psychological theories and applications.

What is self-efficacy theory in psychology?

Psychologist Albert Bandura described self-efficacy as individuals’ beliefs in their capacity to control their function and situations that impact their lives. A person’s sense of self-efficacy provides the basis for well-being, personal achievement, and motivation. 

What are the four ways one can develop self-efficacy?

Bandura documented the four primary sources of self-efficacy. These include social modeling, mastery experience, psychological responses, and social persuasion.

What are some examples of self-efficacy?

Below are two examples of self-efficacy:

  • A confident student is capable of learning information and knowing that he will do excellent on an examination. 
  • A woman who struggles to deal with her chronic diseases, yet she is confident that she will regain herself and improve her health by striving hard and following her doctor’s orders. 

What are the two types of self-efficacy?

Experts suggest that various self-efficacy types commonly embody one of two broad classifications or components of the concept of self-efficacy – a regulatory component and a task component. 

What is the difference between self-efficacy and self-confidence?

Suppose the word ‘confidence’ in this setting means possessing a strong belief in himself, whether in something negative or positive. In that case, self-efficacy implies that you have a solid and optimistic view that you have the skills and the capability to accomplish your goals. This difference is vital.

What are the key principles of self-efficacy theory?

The theory of self-efficacy states that people tend to perform activities to the point where they see themselves as competent. The four self-efficacy sources are vicarious experience, physiological and emotional states, performance accomplishments, and social persuasion.


Why is self-efficacy important?

Self-efficacy can play a vital role in how individuals deal with their nutrition, health, illnesses, and health psychology. For instance, possessing a solid sense of self-efficacy helps a person try his best to stop smoking and stick to his goals. 

Is Self Efficacy a skill?

Self-efficacy is a component of the self, which comprises a person’s abilities, attitudes, and cognitive skills. Hence, self-efficacy is a valuable part of a self-system. 

Is Self Efficacy a personality trait?

A person’s traits and qualities and self-efficacy function on distinct levels – personality traits may be considered defining an individual’s intrinsic character. In contrast, self-efficacy signifies how the individual deals with his behavior and interacts with his surroundings and circumstances. 

How do you use the word efficacy?

Efficacy is the capacity of a person to do a task to an acceptable or anticipated degree. The word efficacy originates from the same root word as effectiveness, and it has frequently been used interchangeably. However, in the field of pharmacology, a distinction is now made between effectiveness and efficacy. 

How can I make my sense of self stronger?

You can build a stronger sense of self by:

  • Defining your values. These, along with your personal beliefs, are the major aspects that make up your identity. 
  • Spend quality time alone.
  • Create a plan on how to accomplish your goals. 
  • Practice making your own decisions. These decisions should primarily, if not always, mainly benefit your well-being and your health. 

How does self-efficacy affect behavior?

Self-efficacy refers to a person’s sense of control over his behavior and environment. It influences the time and work that one puts into something to change his behavior and the perseverance to move forward despite setbacks and obstacles that may challenge his motivation. 

How do you teach self-efficacy?

Below are some strategies that you can teach to those who need to improve on their self-efficacy:

  • Focus on the person’s interests. 
  • Use moderately challenging tasks. 
  • Provide encouragement and motivation to the person concerned. 
  • Encourage proper recognition.
  • Allow the person to make his own decisions and choices.

What is the self-efficacy theory of motivation?

In the theory of self-efficacy, an individual’s beliefs become a principal, precise justification for motivation. Self-efficacy is the having trust that you can do a specific task or of attaining a particular goal. Remember that the belief or the faith and the goal or the action are specific. 

How is self-efficacy measured?

The new General Self-Efficacy Scale developed by a team headed by psychologist Gilad Chen is now being used to measure self-efficacy. It is a scale composed of eight items that assess and calculate how much a person believes they can attain their goals despite barriers and challenges. 


Self-efficacy is one of the most underrated concepts of psychology that people must learn more about. Understanding self-efficacy enables you to leverage moments, actions, and people in your lives that have affected you positively.


You can also look back and recall how specific kinds of encouragement, discouragement, or response have shaped you to become who you are today. In doing so, you would be able to rectify inevitable mistakes and develop better approaches moving forward.

It is vital to strengthen self-efficacy through challenges and difficulties in life. If you do not face any challenges, it will be easy for your high level of self-efficacy to plummet. 

High self-efficacy has multiple benefits to the day-to-day life of an individual. Resilience in the face of adverse circumstances and stressful situations is one such benefit. It should lead to better decision-making and life choices, even with your food consumption, exercise, and social interactions with others. 

There is a large body of evidence that indicates the relationship of self-efficacy with human accomplishments and positive well-being. These are important as they represent an optimistic outlook in life and a sense of self. These ultimately benefit you and the people who surround you.

Having a robust understanding of self-efficacy goes hand-in-hand with your willingness and perseverance to accomplish tasks and overcome hindrances in life, no matter how long or tiring it may be. 

People with a firm belief or sense of self-efficacy can indeed do greater things and be better people in life. There is no point or stage in life in which it is too late to work on self-efficacy. The best time to begin is now. Regardless of your pursuits in life, be it social, artistic, political, or scientific, higher self-efficacy will lead you to your full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions About Anxiety With No Reason

 It’s funny that I often find myself thinking about so many things that do not entirely concern me. I mean, I always have this “thing” for trying to solve other people’s problems, regardless if that does not relate to me at any cost. I don’t know. I have this so-called “sense of passion” that I want to help people every time I think or believe they need help. Unfortunately, I always end up with frustrations, agitations, anxiety, and emotional stress because they somehow do not want me to get involved.

Of course, that is just insulting. I am trying to help, and that’s what matters, right? Unfortunately, people do not see it that way. They think of me as a nuisance and an annoying individual who’s about to make things worse every time. Honestly, I can’t blame them. As much as I want to mind my own business, I still have this delusion that I am needed and I can be a bigger help. So when people ignore, neglect, and push me away, it gets on my nerves. It makes me feel so anxious that I keep thinking and asking myself why they are like that.

In certain conditions, I feel like even my closest friends and family don’t want me to be around. It kind of made me think that I wasn’t entirely part of something. Am I that paranoid for thinking that way? Maybe because all I can think of is how people hate me and don’t want to be around me due to my annoying presence.

I remember one time, one of my best friends had the most devastating news of her life, and she needed company to comfort her. I offered to be there for her. I even lent her money for her financial needs, took care of her, spent time with her, and never left her side until everything was okay. But when she was finally on her feet and recovered from a bad experience, it became clear as if I didn’t exist. She completely ignored me and spent time with other people instead. She didn’t even care to thank me for all the efforts and sacrifices I made for her. The sad part is I am not allowed to get mad because it was me who offered the help and not her wanting me to do anything.

Is that entirely my fault? I was just trying to be the friend that she could rely on. It felt bad because I felt used, and it made me completely upset and heartbroken because I thought we were best friends. That is why I offered to be there for her. But her actions towards me, her ignoring me and not wanting to talk to me, made me realize that I was indeed used.

That experience is honestly the worst because I know that I am capable of helping others. But unfortunately, people don’t seem to care about me when all I can do is care about them. That’s where the overthinking comes in. That is where all my worsened anxiety and depression symptoms take a toll. Sometimes, I find myself grappling with anxiety for no reason, questioning my worth and my place in the lives of others. Am I not good enough? Do I only exist when people need me? Don’t I deserve to be treated better? Am I that worthless?

The Bad Side Of Negative Emotions

Negative thoughts often fill my head, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Sometimes, I even get scared of my way of thinking. It is not that I can execute a perfect plan of revenge and make other people’s lives miserable. It is more like the “I don’t want to live anymore” portion of my brain. There’s something about how I treat myself that makes me think that I deserve to be treated differently. Because if not, I would think that perhaps I deserve to be ignored and neglected.

In all honesty, my idea of being involved in other people’s lives comes from the fact that I do not want to be alone. I’m scared and desperate for attention that it pains me so much that people, even the closest ones, don’t want me to become part of their lives. It seems so unfair because I only wanted to belong. I want to become a reliable person. But all they see is an annoying and attention-seeking individual, and that just completes the start of my social anxiety.

All these negative emotions flare up, and it just gets stuck right in front of me.

Unfortunately, when I get to feel a little anxious, I begin to lose control. I sometimes lose the sense of happiness, which by the way, makes me think of unnecessary things, particularly hurting myself. I know that is a bit scary. That is why I will share my mental health problems with you through these frequently asked questions.

experiencing anxiety


Can you get anxious for no reason?

Most individuals with anxiety have a lot of triggers in their sympathetic nervous system. However, for some, their anxiety and panic episodes can arise without any cause at all. Because of this, it is vital to learn and be familiar with all your anxiety triggers. Identifying them is a significant step in effectively dealing with them.

In my case, I often experience feeling anxious because I am thinking about getting one. I’m sure it is not yet a thing, but I feel like I can’t do anything when I am anxious.

How can I stop myself from feeling anxious for no reason?

If you’ve been feeling anxious over nothing, some tips might come in handy. It is important to remain in the present moment as anxiety is future-oriented. Double-check and challenge your negative thinking. If you can allow yourself some time, practice breathing in and out slowly. Also, check your posture and make sure that you are standing or sitting straight. Avoid consuming too much sugar and do something productive.

These might sound a bit easy to you, but to be honest, once you are anxious, what seemed to be “an easy thing to do” can get a little complicated. So I would remind you to stay connected with yourself and focus on what you want to emotionally and mentally achieve.

What Causes Anxiety All Of A Sudden?

It is still unclear what causes sudden anxiety or panic attacks, but specific factors may be possible contributors to a panic attack. These include major stressors and genetics. Panic attacks normally occur as a result of misconstruing anxiety’s physical symptoms.

If in case you get anxious for no reason, immediately divert your attention to other things. This tactic does not always work, though. You can at least buy yourself some time to think about the necessary action you have to take to get rid of your stressful anxiety.

Why am I worrying for no reason?

Intermittent anxiety is normal at some point in our lives. You may be worried about things like money, family, or health issues. However, individuals with generalized anxiety disorder gad feel intensely concerned or tense about different things – even if there is nothing to worry about. If you’re someone who feels anxious and is worrying excessively to the point of having difficulty sleeping, maybe it’s time to talk to a professional and seek effective treatment. It is better to sort out what you’re feeling now before you encounter conflicts. Having it checked now can be a life-saving action that can prevent other health problems following symptoms of anxiety.

Is Overthinking A Sign Of Anxiety?

Overthinking is associated with psychological problems, such as anxiety disorder and depression. It is highly possible that overthinking leads to mental health decline, and as this happens, a higher likelihood for you to overthink. It is a vicious cycle. It might also make your anxiety worse.


How can I beat anxiety?

Try these when you want to get off your anxiety disorders quickly.

  • Exercise regularly. This is beneficial for both your physical and mental health.
  • Spend quality time for yourself.
  • Maintain a healthy and well-balanced diet.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol, as too much of these trigger anxiety. Once you see some symptoms occur upon taking, avoid taking those substances.
  • Get sufficient amounts of sleep every day. Seek treatment if you’re experiencing achy muscles and difficulty falling asleep.
  • Practice deep breathing and meditation.
  • Try your best to think positively.

How can I kill anxiety naturally?

Here are several strategies you can use when you are experiencing anxiety.

  • Acknowledge the fact that you have anxiety.
  • Do deep and slow breaths.
  • Keep calm by closing your eyes.
  • Be mindful of the things around you.
  • Find something to concentrate on.
  • Learn progressive muscle relaxation.
  • Picture yourself happy and peaceful.

Can you get rid of anxiety forever?

Anxiety does not disappear permanently because it’s the same as any other emotion we have – happiness, sadness, love, anger, disappointment, etc. You can’t ever get rid of these emotions from your system, and you can’t eliminate anxiety forever as well.

What drugs get rid of anxiety?

The most widely recommended anti-anxiety medications for immediate relief are called benzodiazepines. These include clonazepam (Klonopin), alprazolam (Xanax), Lorazepam (Ativan), and diazepam (Valium), among others. If your anxious response is being tired easily, difficulty concentrating, and irritability feeling fatigued, you can benefit from anti-anxiety medication. These are a must for those who have frequent symptoms of anxiety attacks. But be aware that it is better to find the best treatment from a professional to be guided on the right health medications.

What is the root of anxiety?

Several reasons could cause your anxiety, including environmental reasons like personal relationships or unemployment, past traumatic events, or medical illnesses. However, research suggests that even genetics can contribute to mental anxiety disorders.

What vitamins help with anxiety?

Omega-3, magnesium, multivitamins, L-theanine, vitamin D, and vitamin B-complex have been proven to help alleviate anxiety.

How can I calm my anxiety fast?

To try to calm your mind instantly, try these:

  • Take deep, gradual breaths
  • Soak in your tub with warm water
  • Listen to your favorite mellow or instrumental music.
  • Learn mindfulness to concentrate on other things that are occurring in the present moment.
  • Write down your intense feelings or just your day-to-day life experiences.



What foods prevent anxiety?

There are foods out there that you can eat whenever you feel anxious. Foods known to help prevent or alleviate anxiety include dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, chamomile, eggs, fish like salmon and mackerel, and nuts.

What Is The Best Natural Supplement For Anxiety And Depression?

Lemon balm, kava, lavender, valerian, and passionflower are commonly used natural supplements for anxiety. You may try and use those things in your daily life.


Can You Have Anxiety Without Reason?

What Causes Anxiety To just Happen And Occur?

Why Is My Anxiety So Bad Right Now Without Any Reason?

How Can I Calm My Anxiety Fast?

Can Anxiety Be Cured?

Frequently Asked Questions About Anxiety Causing Stress

We entirely understand the anxious stress and what it physically, mentally, and emotionally gives us daily for most of us. But of course, the signs and symptoms, as well as their severity of their impact on our health and how we feel, vary from one person to another. So, no one can genuinely pinpoint the general effects of the mental health condition. Some may handle it pretty well and manage to bounce back from a devastating situation, while others can’t seem to fight the battle and struggle with all mental and life aspects.

A stressed woman, holding a pen in her hand, bites on it anxiously while facing her laptop.


In most instances, experts believe that one of the proper ways to deal with and reduce anxiety is by focusing on something productive. It could be learning a new hobby, engaging in physical activities, or simply enjoying all sorts of arts. But often, even though there is a focus on stress reduction, the anxiety still kicks off. That is because of the factors that can contribute to the mental health condition, such as genetics, environmental influence, current medication, chronic health diseases, relationship matters, and so on.

Stress or anxiety has become rampant in our society to the point that misinformation can be spread easily to the point where people won’t even make an effort to re-check everything in a fact sheet. It’s become more difficult to find correct information about anxiety disorders and panic attacks. This is why it is essential to tackle stressful anxiety to provide more information and knowledge about the subject matter. Here are some answers to the frequently asked questions that many people have to understand more about anxiety that causes stress.

What Is Anxiety That Causes Stress?

It is a type of anxiety that is triggered by stressors, such as major life changes, traumatic events, or ongoing stress. Unlike general anxiety, also called generalized anxiety disorder, which can be a constant feeling of worry or unease, it is often characterized by sudden, intense bouts of anxiety that can be overwhelming and difficult to manage.

People with this mental health condition may experience a range of physical and emotional symptoms, including rapid heart rate, sweating, trembling, difficulty breathing, difficulty sleeping, feelings of panic, muscle tension, chest pain,  and a sense of dread or impending doom. These symptoms can interfere with daily life, making it difficult to focus on work or school, maintain relationships, or participate in social activities.

This anxiety disorder can be caused by a variety of factors, including personal or financial stress, other health conditions, relationship problems, job or school-related stress, or a traumatic event. Anxiety can also be exacerbated by underlying mental health conditions, such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

It’s important to note that while everyone experiences stress and anxiety from time to time, chronic or severe anxiety can be a sign of an anxiety disorder, which may require professional treatment. If you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety that cause stress, it’s important to talk to a healthcare provider or mental health professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Treating it as a disorder may be effective.

What Are The Effects Of Anxiety That Causes Stress?

Anxiety that causes stress can have a range of negative effects on both the mind and body. Here are some of the most common effects of anxiety that cause stress:

  1. Physical effects: Anxiety can cause a range of physical symptoms, such as rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, difficulty breathing, nausea, and headaches. Over time, chronic anxiety can also lead to more serious health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and digestive issues.
  2. Negative impact on mental health: Chronic anxiety can also have a negative impact on mental health, leading to feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and depression. Anxiety can also interfere with daily functioning, making it difficult to concentrate, complete tasks, and enjoy life.
  3. Relationship and social impacts: Anxiety can strain relationships with family and friends, making it difficult to maintain healthy connections with others. Anxiety can also cause social isolation, as people with chronic stress and anxiety may avoid social situations out of fear or discomfort.
  4. Interference with work or school: Chronic anxiety can interfere with work or school performance, making it difficult to concentrate, complete tasks, and meet deadlines. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and further exacerbate anxiety symptoms.
  5. Sleep disturbances: Anxiety can also interfere with sleep, making it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. This can lead to fatigue, irritability, and decreased functioning during the day.

If left untreated, stress can have a significant impact on a person’s overall quality of life. It’s important to seek professional help if you are experiencing symptoms of chronic anxiety to prevent these negative effects and improve overall well-being.

Can Anxiety Last For Months?

Unfortunately, yes! While some anxiety moments are briefer and shorter than others, the mental health condition can last up to a few months and even for years. Generalized anxiety can be near-permanent and last for a long time. These feelings are more than just a stressful day at work or passing worries from daily duties. The excessive, persistent troubling, and hard-to-control anxiety that lasts for at least several months can turn into a generalized anxiety disorder.

In line with this, any possible symptoms should not be ignored. Even if you sometimes think that a sudden change in mood and mental state is normal, you should still consult a doctor for a specific diagnosis.

Why Do I Have Anxiety If I’m Not Stressed?

It can come from various things, such as stressful situations at school, home, or work. It could also come from traumatic events or other environmental factors. Genetics and brain chemistry can also become factors.

Therefore, regardless if you are stressed or not, it can still kick in, especially when there are triggers. There is no stopping anxiety from happening as it promotes alertness that prepares your mind and body for an unexpected situation. This automatic physiological reaction is what you call the “fight or flight response” that allows you to deal with stress and danger.

How Do I Permanently Stop Anxiety?

There is no way you can permanently stop it since it is part of the human body’s system. However, there are natural ways you can stop its symptoms. These include staying physically active, getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, eating healthy foods, taking vitamins and other helpful supplements, practicing deep breathing, and quitting smoking and alcohol consumption; all of those can help in improving one’s well-being.

As you can see, these are basically lifestyle changes. So when you are used to doing the opposite of these, you might want to consider changing your ways to help reduce your anxiety. The National Institute of Mental Health may be able to point you to support groups that can help you.

Why Can’t I Stop Worrying About Everything?

Occasional anxiety is acceptable because it is a normal part of life. There is worry about things like money, health, family, or relationship problems. However, with people diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), the worry is different as it can escalate quickly into something unexpected. There is an extreme feeling of fear that affects everyday life.

But to be honest, worrying about everything is not something one is not doing. In fact, all people in the world have a list of worries and fears they want to get rid of. No one is exempted, as everyone is battling with anxiety mildly or severely.

Does Ignoring Anxiety Make It Go Away?

No. It may not be that bad at times, but that does not mean it should be ignored. If unfortunate things happen, it may lead to untreated anxiety disorders, which can have extremely negative consequences. It can impact a person’s entire daily life causing an inability to work, go to school, or have normal social relationships.

Therefore, never practice leaving your anxiety untreated, it can affect aspects of your life in the long run. Make sure that you pay close attention to your mental and emotional needs. You can even try doing family DIY projects for mental health. You can also look for an institute of mental health near you.

The woman gazes downward, her eyes fixed in a blank, distant stare. Anxious and stressed


What Causes Constant Anxiety?

Usually, stressful life situations trigger anxiety excessively and unnecessarily. That is due to its effect on the emotional aspect as people experience a death in the family, work and school stress, and ongoing battle with financial matters. It can also come from a stressful relationship or an excessive fear of death due to chronic conditions.

What Are The Five Emotional Signs Of Stress?

The five most common emotional signs of stress include racing thoughts or constant worry, feeling overwhelmed, irritability, anger, and extreme sadness.

Though these feelings are common, it is vital to note that these same emotions can warn other mental health problems. To be sure that these only reflect stress, consult a licensed professional for a diagnosis if symptoms persist.

How Long Can Anxiety Last?

Depending on the negative impact of the situation, it attacks heighten within 10 minutes. Anxiety rarely lasts more than 30 minutes, and during that short time, the tendency to experience terror and persistent fear is at risk. It is so severe that it can make you feel like you are about to go crazy or lose control.

Does Stress Cause Anxiety?

Unfortunately, yes. Stress is the number one triggering factor of anxiety. Therefore, it’s important to grasp the mental condition’s symptoms as early as possible to prevent the development of a mental illness.

Does CBD Help Anxiety?

Yes. Studies and research show that CBD helps a lot in treating different types of anxiety conditions. These include social phobia, general anxiety disorders (GAD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, social anxiety, etc. It can also be used to calm a panic attack and manage symptoms related to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Aside from that, CBD also has the potential to treat epilepsy as well as depression. When it comes to specific phobias, it was found that CBD can help in the form of enhancing the effects of exposure therapy which assists the clients in dissociating certain cues and external causes with the fear response.

What Vitamins Help With Anxiety?

Vitamin D, L-Theanine, magnesium, Ashwagandha, and valerian root help reduce anxiety. Also, consider taking vitamin supplements to fight stress. You can take Melatonin, Rhodiola Rosea, Glycine, Kava, and B complex vitamins.

What To Drink To Calm Nerves?

The best drinks to calm your nerves and reduce your anxiety are Valerian Root Tea, Anti-Anxiety Smoothie, Tart Cherry Juice, Kava Tea, Peppermint Tea, Green Tea, and Warm Milk. Water and Fresh Fruit, and Vegetable Juice also help.

a woman seated on a couch, rests her hand on her head while staring into the distance with a blank expression.



Is overthinking a sign of anxiety?

Unfortunately, yes. Overthinking is linked to psychological problems, including depression and anxiety. Overthinking causes your mental health to decline as it discourages you from fighting whatever you are going through with your emotional, physical, and mental health.

With this, you must pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. Avoid triggers that can cause you a series of uncontrolled worries. If it is already too late and you experience negative signs and symptoms, check with your doctor right away.

How can I beat anxiety?

There are ways that you can beat anxiety for no reason. But it is vital to realize that not because some strategies work best with others, it does not guarantee to give the same beneficial results to you. Anxiety can flare up at any time, and in some worse cases, you might not be able to handle it on your own. Learn to identify your triggers and work your way through self-care. If in case it does not help, consult a medical professional immediately.

What can you do when you can’t stop worrying?

Break free of excessive worry and learn to stop anxious thoughts immediately before they can escalate into something you are not supposed to experience. Try to determine the things you can control and identify your fears. Focus on your overall recovery and plan to manage your stress accordingly.

The Bottom Line

It is a type of anxiety that can be triggered by stressors and cause sudden, intense bouts of anxiety that can be overwhelming and difficult to manage. Stress can have negative effects on both the mind and body, including physical symptoms, negative impacts on mental health, relationship, and social impacts, interference with school or work deadlines, and sleep disturbances.

It’s important to recognize the symptoms of anxiety and seek professional help if you are experiencing chronic anxiety. The National Institute of Mental Health also suggests that there are various ways that one can do to manage stress and anxiety. Treatment options may include lifestyle changes, therapy, and medication, among others. Prevention strategies, such as stress management techniques and healthy lifestyle habits, being active on any physical activity, can also be effective in reducing the likelihood of developing anxiety that causes stress.

Remember, if you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, you are not alone. Looking up the National Institute of Mental Health may be a path to recovery. With the right treatment and support, it’s possible to manage and overcome anxiety symptoms and lead a happy, healthy life.

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Family DIY Projects – Great For Mental Health

I had always known of my parents’ desire to move our little family of four to a farm for as long as I could recall. We already had a pretty good life in the city, considering both of them worked in the financial investment sector. But since they grew up on the farm themselves, they wanted the same thing for us.

a little girl hiding on the box


The opportunity knocked when a family friend wanted to sell a small piece of land near the mountains in Montana. The man didn’t need to offer it to my parents twice as they agreed to buy it on the same day. I remembered Mom and Dad talking excitedly and saying, “I couldn’t wait to start building a house there and raising cattle and horses and sheep. I’m sure our children would love farm life.”

In reality, I was against the idea in the beginning. I was ten years old at the time; even though I hadn’t been alive for too long, I spent all my years in the city. The change that the parents wanted to make sounded too scary to me. However, since they put a significant amount of money on building a farm, I went with the flow half-heartedly. I thought that I only needed to wait for eight more years before I could go back to the city where I belonged.


Changes, Changes

A funny thing about changes (which I realized later) was that you could never expect how you’d perceive it once you experience it. As mentioned above, when my parents were still discussing the farm, I felt upset about it. Though I knew there was no way for me to start coping stay behind and get a lot of stress, I tried to plan how I could return to the city as soon as I turned 18 years old. However, once we started living on our new farm, I ended up liking it.

The land that my parents bought was at least two hours away from the town proper. When we arrived for the first time, there was nothing but the log house that they asked a quality contractor to build in a rush. Of course, I fell in love with it because I had been dreaming of living in one ever since I watched Snow White stay at the dwarves’ wooden home. My room even had a clear view of the mountain, so it was terrific.

The next day, I woke up and looked out of the window to find Dad opening the gates for a massive truck with livestock inside. I was so amazed when they set the animals free, and they started running around the farm. Chicken, horses, cows, sheep – you name it. My little brother and I spent the entire day running after them and making sure that they didn’t leave the property line.


Family DIY Projects

But you know, herding animals was not the most exciting thing that we did on the farm. Since our log home was the only structure erected on the land, there was no shelter for the animals. When I asked about it, Dad said, “Then, I guess we should start building it. Would you help me?”

Of course, I did. Every morning, Mom would wake us all up at six o’clock in the morning to feed all the animals. Ideas of a feeding session in a week usually took two hours, considering only my father could lift bundles of hay for the bigger creatures. My mother would then go back to the house to cook lunch while we proceeded to the barn site.

Though a couple of Dad’s friends came by to offer support, my brother and I tried to be the best assistants they could ever ask for. For instance, if they needed a wrench or hammer, we would be there to get it for them. If they were thirsty, we would run to the house to get a pitcher of ice-cold water and some snacks. And when it was painting time, we took pride in holding paint rollers and moving them as far as our little arms would let us.



Ideal For Mental Health

The entire family spent the summer DIY-ing the barn for the farm animals. It was much different from what I was used to, given that we were in the Bahamas a year before that, laying on the beach most of the time. However, looking back at it now, I must say that doing group DIY crafts projects like that was more ideal for our mental health than going to any tourist destination. There are lots of things to do in a family DIY project for mental health and better health stress reduction. Some of the things I consider as well include cross stitching and paper crafts with coloring books from coloring pages or card making from free printables. I find these family DIY projects for mental health, like the one I’m working on, so stress-relieving as well as enhancing fine motor skills.

After all, the project ideas gave my brother and me a sense of responsibility, which we never had when we lived in the city. We started waking up with a purpose; no one even whined about feeling bored because it was amazing to see the barn taking form before our eyes.

My parents didn’t hear me complain about moving to Montana since then, as I embraced farm life completely.

lady talking a selfie with a mini horse in the grassfield


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Family Wellness: Mental Health And Art Therapy





We pursue creative hobbies like painting, writing, drawing, dancing, or acting merely because we love doing them. Instinctively, we do know that practicing creativity is healthy for us and our creative desires give us joy and fulfillment. But can we benefit mentally and emotionally from being creative? Indeed, art therapy makes us feel unburdened and happy at the end of the day, but what are other benefits that we can get from it? Can creativity in counseling help improve family wellness?

Often, people do creative activities as a form of recreation, while others do it as a livelihood. No matter which path you have taken to release your imaginations and your need to express your self-kempt emotions, it’s quite obvious that creating things is part of being human. We’ve been using art for centuries, owing from the vague marks of the hands and rough drawings of images on caves. We could say that our desire to use art is inherent. We had benefited from art over the years when we learned to make houses, cook food, draw blueprints, and even formulate medicines.

At times, however, we make things just to make it. Does this mean that sometimes art is useless? Regardless of this theory, several studies, particularly in the medical arena, have shown that almost all kinds of art forms are, in fact, beneficial for one’s physical, emotional, and mental health.

Below is a list of proven benefits that creative pursuits – dancing, drawing, writing, etc. – can provide us with. We strongly recommend that you incorporate creativity into your life as well.

Positive Impact On The Brain

Writing in the form of poetry or simply journaling can effectively help a person learn and memorize. But not if you intentionally type or write down the concepts that you want to recall – now, that won’t work. If learning efficiently is your purpose, experts suggest that you do it conventionally by using pen and paper. You can also consider doing family DIY projects for mental health.

Additionally, writing music also promotes better brain function. If Albert Einstein had not been a genius physicist, he confessed that he would have become a great musician. This is further proven to be true by a study done in 2014 about participants who had musical training, like those who practiced using a musical instrument. At the end of the study, a majority of the participants who played instruments had increased connectivity between the two cerebral hemispheres.



Enhanced Mental Well-Being

Science has time and again revealed that painting, drawing, and clay work is tools that can be used for individuals that experienced trauma. An article also described art as something that aids people in expressing how they feel about their encounters that are too hard to explain verbally. It also stated that self-expression might probably even help maintain or create a positive identity.

Expressive writing, on the other hand, which involves individuals to recount a situation and discuss how it has impacted their lives, has been shown to help those who have been traumatized and have enabled them to deal with their negative emotions. Like visual expression, this form of writing gives people the ability to take unpleasant situations that are difficult to alter and incorporate them into the story of their life, which eventually creates meaning for experiences that have left deep-seated scars. Examples of these are the loss of a loved one, sexual abuse, or a medical diagnosis.

Benefits To Physical Wellness

People who have jotted down their traumatic encounters have exhibited substantial improvements in different measures of physical wellness, a decrease in doctors’ appointments, and improved immune system functions. This was supported by a trial that entailed participants going through HIV treatment, which showed that expressive writing aided the participants in improving their immune systems.

The reason for this is not very clear, but those who reported their experiences regularly presented with a boosted CD4+ lymphocyte count.

Music Therapy

This is also another immune system booster. Music impacts our brains in complicated ways, activating the limbic system, and soothing one’s responses to stress. Experts Nobel and Stuckey state that listening to your favorite music may help regain one’s immune system functions partly through the hypothalamus and the amygdala, regions of the brain that are for hormonal and mood regulation.

Benefits of Dancing

Creativity could also be a mobile pursuit, the kind of mobility that provides its range of benefits. For example, a trial that focused on breast cancer survivors revealed that dancing helped promote better shoulder stability and function and positively affected their self-image. Also, dancing is an enjoyable means of keeping yourself fit and healthy.



Studies on Zumba and hip-hop programs, improving one’s blood pressure and other vital signs, have encouraged many men and women to continue dancing as a form of keeping themselves physically and mentally fit.

Ultimately, if we can maintain or improve our physical and mental states by painting, journaling, playing the piano or guitar, or just dancing our problems away, then why not welcome more creativity and art into our lives?